circular city

Urbanism leidt H2020 project circulaire economie

23 maart 2016

2 minuten

Nieuws The H2020 Research & Innovation Action project REPAiR (REsource Management in Peri-urban Areas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism) led by Alexander Wandl and Prof. Arjan van Timmeren of the Urbanism Department, chair of Environmental Design and Technology, shall receive 5 million Euros funding from the H2020 programme.

The project will develop and implement a tool that helps local and regional authorities reduce waste flows in peri-urban areas. As the coordinator of the project, 1.4 million of the fund will befall on TU Delft, of which 1.2 million shall be dedicated to the scientific effort at the faculty, led by the Urbanism Department. 

A shift towards a more circular economy is crucial to achieve more sustainable and inclusive growth. The REPAiR project will provide a geodesign decision support environment (GDSE). This environment will assist local and regional authorities in reducing waste flows by helping them create integrated spatial development strategies that are both specific for the place at hand, transdisciplinary and eco-innovative. The GDSE will be developed and implemented in ‘living labs' in six metropolitan areas, namely Naples, Ghent, Hamburg, Pécs, Łódź and Amsterdam.  

The scientific team, led by Arjan van Timmeren and Alex Wandl, consists of the following members from different departments of the faculty:

Department of Urbanism

  • Prof. dr. Arjan van Timmeren
  • Dipl.-Ing.  Alexander Wandl, MSc
  • Dr. Marcin Dabrowski
  • Dr. Libera Amenta

Department of Architectural Engineering +Technology

  • Ir. Bob Geldermans

Department of Management in the Built Environment

  • Dr. Hilde Remoy
  • Dr. Erwin Heurkens

Dr. Ni Yan will be the project manager for financial and legal management and coordination of this project.

Project partners are from academia, industry and public administration, which include: Ghent University (BE), DiARC UNINA - University of Naples Federico II (I), HafenCity Universität Hamburg (D), Institute for Regional Studies, CERS of HAS, MTA KRTK (H), Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences (PL), Joint Research Centre (I), Geo-Col GIS and Collaborative Planning (NL), Delta Development Group (NL), BIOKOM Nonprofit Ltd (H), Gertz Gutsche Rümenapp Stadtentwicklung und Mobilität GbR (D), OVAM - Public Waste Agency of Flanders (BE), Municipality of Haarlemmermeer (NL), Campania Regional Authority (I), Pheno horizon (PL), Bauer Umwelt GmbH (D), IVAGO (BE), Stadtreinigung Hamburg (D).


Cover: ‘circular city’

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