Cover temporary use

College Tour ‘Responding quickly by temporary use in urban development'

13 mei 2017

1 minuut

Hoe gaan we om met tijdelijkheid in stedelijke ontwikkeling? Wie zijn de verschillende belanghebbenden? Hoe tijdelijk is tijdelijk? En hoe reageren we snel in het proces van tijdelijke stedelijke ontwikkeling? Allemaal vragen die ter sprake komen tijdens de college tour ‘Responding quickly by temporary use in urban development'. De bijeenkomst zal in het engels zijn.

On the 1st of June Rick de Boer (Arcadis) will tell us about his graduation research for the TU Delft, 'Interim area development: a research on the potential value of temporary use of space'. De Boer will elaborate on different examples of temporary use.

Subsequently Bas Kalter and Hans-Hugo Smit (BPD) will illustrate the case of Tiny Houses in The Hague and explain which challenges they face in the process of committing different parties, exploring financial opportunities and making it all happen. And Frits Lely (Heijmans) gives us insights on the perspective of the user during this whole process.

Students from the TU Delft will pitch their ideas for the project in the area Cruquius, Amsterdam.
To conclude, Martijn Drosten (Sweco Nederland) will reflect on their ideas on temporary use.     

Want to get inspired and learn more about temporary use in urban development? We welcome you to the College Tour on June the 1st in Delft. You can sign up by sending an email to:

Date, time and location

Thursday 1st of June 2017
13:45 – 16:30

Room F, Faculty of Architecture and the Built environment, TU Delft


13:45 - 14:00 - Welcome and opening (Mirela Milosevic, Praktijkleerstoel Gebiedsontwikkeling TU Delft)

14:00 - 14:30 - Interim area development: a research on the potential value of temporary use of space (Rick de Boer, Arcadis)

14:30 - 15:00 - Tiny Houses: the process of temporary area development (Bas Kalter and Hans-Hugo Smit, BPD) 

15:00 – 15:15 - BREAK 

15:15 - 15:30 - Pitches: Ideas for Cruquius (Students Management Game) 

15:30 - 16:00 - Reflection + discussion led by Martijn Drosten (Sweco Nederland)

16:00 - 16:30 - Tiny Houses: the perspective of the user (Frits Lely, Heijmans)

16:30 - 17:30 - Drinks

The meeting will be held in English.

Cover: ‘Cover temporary use’

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