2013.04.23_damn the masters plan_680

"Damn the Masters' Plan!"

23 april 2013

2 minuten

Nieuws "Damn the Masters' Plan!" is a talk by Wouter Vanstiphout on the street protest movements from Detroit in the 1960s to Paris in 2005 to London in 2011. The speaker analyses the complex correlation between certain types of urban development and the deeply rooted discontent of the citizens.

About Wouter Vanstiphout

Wouter Vanstiphout is a historian of architecture and a co-founder of the Crimson Architectural Historians collective based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is a member of the Reflection team of VROM, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and serves on the board of SKOR, Foundation Art and Public Space in Amsterdam. Since 2009, Wouter is a professor of Design as Politics at the Delft University of Technology. His recent research deals with protests and the way they are shaped by architecture and urban environment.

About Strelka Talks

Strelka Talks is a new project launched by Strelka education team. Over the academic year prominent speakers from various fields are invited to make a 30 minute video talk on critically important topics concerning contemporary cities and urban development. After the video is upoloaded on the website and becomes available to the general public, the students get a chance to meet the speaker for a longer and more profound real time conversation at Strelka.

Strelka talks curator: Anastassia Smirnova;
Project manager: Evgeniya Pospelova;
Video director: Anna Titovets;
Camera: Irina Goryainova

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Cover: ‘2013.04.23_damn the masters plan_680’

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