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Doctoral School on Urban Systems and Sustainability

23 mei 2014

1 minuut

Nieuws We have the pleasure to announce a new programme on Urban Systems as part of the IDEA League Doctoral School. This programme focuses on the adaptivity and resilience of cities as complex urban systems. The programme consists of three modules on different locations, starting at Delft in August and succeeded by a visit to Singapore and Guangzhou and finishing at Aachen-Germany January 2015.

The programme is open for outstanding PhD’s whose research has clues with complex systems in the context of cities and its subsystems like housing and real estate, water, transport, energy and infrastructures in general. For a balanced scientific approach apart from the particular disciplinary background PhD’s are invited with a focus on planning, governance & policy, design, engineering or research.

Each IDEA-partner is supposed to present 6 PhD-candidates who will be selected from the local applications and who will join the programme.

The deadline for submission will be June 10th.

Please send your applications to prof. Han Meyer, v.j.meyer@tudelft.nl, as contact person for the TU Delft applicants.

For information, download the programme flyer.

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