2013.11.01_Faculty of architecture_180

Faculty of Architecture features strongly in Sustainable Real Estate Top 50

1 november 2013

2 minuten

Nieuws Professor Anke van Hal, Professor of Sustainable Housing Transformation, Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Professor of Climate Design and Sustainability, Dean Karin Laglas and Professor Friso de Zeeuw, Professor of Professional Practice in the chair of Area Development are all listed in the Sustainable Real Estate Top 50 NL. This means that architecture is strongly represented in the competition for the title of most sustainable real-estate professional.

Sustainable Real Estate Top 50

Coen van Oostrom, CEO of OVG Projectontwikkeling, is top of the list of fifty sustainable real estate professionals. Impressive runner-up is Anke van Hal, while Andy van den Dobbelsteen is listed ninth. Karin Laglas is listed 35 and Friso de Zeeuw is in 44th place. The Sustainable Real Estate Top 50 NL is an initiative of the Dutch Green Building Council and the 'Platform Duurzaam Gebouwd' [Sustainably Building Platform]. The organisations publish this list with the aim of highlighting professionals who are committed to sustainable building.

Diversity among real-estate professionals

An independent jury compiled a top 50, which included 37 men and 13 women. Architects, educational institutions, teaching, government and advisors are strongly represented in the list. The jury insisted they regret the fact that real-estate owners (e.g. investors), contractors and subcontractors (e.g. fitters) are under-represented in the list.

More information

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