slim reeks2

Final sLIM Master Class: Circular economy & the role of design

28 mei 2016

2 minuten

The TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Foundation Intensive Multi-use of Space (SLIM) are organizing a series of public Master Classes on the complexity of regional development and the role of design. In the third and concluding Master Class on June 10, the theme of a circular economy – closing the circles of industry/production – will be the central focus. With talks by Prof. Ellen van Bueren (TU Delft) and Catalina Turcu (Bartlett School of Planning, London)

Circular economy: water, energy and raw materials, these should be recycled, staying within the entire life cycle as much as possible. But all too often discussions linger at the level of desirability rather than advancing to the most important challenge: how do we organise this? Changes at the scale of an urban area are overlooked while the focus is often on the global scale – on which we can have little impact. The crucial question: how can design contribute to formulating a communal vision for circular challenges?


The afternoon starts with an introduction by the new professor of Urban Development Management (TUD) Ellen van Bueren. This is followed by a talk by Dr Catalina Turcu, Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Planning, Faculty of the Built Environment. Both speakers will reflect on an actual case regarding a circular development on the urban area scale. Ellen van Bueren will elaborate on the Dutch development of Schiphol Tradepark, a business park with high sustainable ambitions and showcase for transition to a circular economy. Catalina Turcu will bring a UK-case to the table. Focus in both lectures will be will be on the actors, joint ambitions, complexities, the questions ‘how do they do it’ and ‘what is the role of design’?

John Nederstigt, Councillor for sustainable economy at the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer and Jeanet van Antwerpen (SADC) respond / are the counter speakers. More info: Master Class brochure.

Catalina Turcu

Catalina is lecturer at the Bartlett School of Planning in London. She has a background in urban sustainability and policy (PhD, LSE), housing and human settlements (MSc, LSE), urban design and planning (MA, Marseille) and architecture (BArch DipArch, UAUIM).           

Prior to joining academia in the UK Catalina worked as an architect/urban designer (at Llewelyn Davies Yeang, Farrells, Levitt Berstein Architects) and environmental development officer (at Affinity Housing Group). In Bucharest she also established her own architectural practice (ZONA Architects). 

Catalina’s research interests are on energy-efficiency/retrofit; housing; social-environment-behaviour interface of urban sustainability; and impacts of the current economic and financial crisis on cities. She has carried out extensive research in the areas on sustainability (e.g. sustainable communities, social & economic development), energy (e.g. urban energy systems, demand management) and policy (e.g. environmental, planning, housing and policy integration). 

Time: 13.30- 17.00, followed by drinks

Location: SADC, room Multizaal, Evert van de Beekstraat 356, 1118 CZ Schiphol

Route: Click here (Parking only available at P22)

Attending the masterclass on June 10 is free of charge, but please sign up:

Cover: ‘slim reeks2’

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