Exploring new approaches to urbanisation in The Netherlands
Today, Dutch cities and regions are faced with important dilemmas. One is between their ambition to compete, prosper and offer a place for ever more inhabitants while maintaining high standards of social and environmental quality. Indeed, population growth, densification and economic wealth seem to be increasingly at odds with the health and happiness of inhabitants. Are their limits to urban growth and density in The Netherlands? What does it mean ‘to grow’ for large urban agglomerations? And what qualities and values really matter when we plan for growth? Experts from science and (inter)national practice will explore these questions with the audience.
Federico Savini (University of Amsterdam) & Tom Daamen (TU Delft)
Speakers, o.a.
Paul Chatterton, Professor at University of Leeds
Dr. Antonio Ferreira, Researcher at University of Porto
Dr. Peter Pelzer, Urban Future Studio, University of Utrecht
Jeroen Zuidgeest (Studio for New Realities)
Hans van Rossum (Realeconomy)
Hans-Hugo Smit (BPD)
Aanmelden via Pakhuis de Zwijger
Cover: ‘Houthaven 10/11/2018’